以6名沙巴本土球员组军,再从西马引进4名国手级人马和招来2名身高出色的美国援将, 或许京沙建设的牌面实力不及其他3队,可是潜在的能力不容忽视,成为一匹黑马。
高成杰、王俊棋、何耀龙和杨启益将是京沙建设最依赖的主力,他们都曾披上国家队战衣, 而沙巴本土战将洪俊豪在去年代表富农化工参加,只是他们5人首次合作,需要时间磨练以擦出火花。
杨启益将坐镇篮底,矮小精悍的王俊棋将负责控球,何耀龙与高成杰寻找机会出手得分,不 过最大的动力还是来自两名美国外援和菲律宾籍教头希拉里奥加拉宾。
美国援将罗宾申身高6尺9,身型健硕,将让京沙的内线进攻火力更强。27岁的他曾在德 国和澳洲联赛打球,作战经验丰富,将联同另一名美国战将鲍德温为京沙建设打天下。
26岁的鲍德温也是得分能手,身高1米98的他在过去3年参与美国NBA发展联盟球 会,累积了不少的实战经验,相信将运用到京沙建设集团的身上,与一众队友携手合作,低调出击制造大冷风。
希拉里奥是菲律宾德拉萨大学的教练,执教经验非常丰富,京沙建设要闯出春天,这名菲律 宾教头的功力将决定一切。他一直都在大专院校联赛打滚,对安排年轻战将的策略有一手。
京沙建设的牌面是四支球队当中最弱,球队已做好心理准备面对苦战,而且球员集训时间不 足,因此大家都在期待着,希拉里奥能否借助以往打造出冠军队的巧手,让这支新面孔一亮相即有惊人表现。
第一次加入战围的京沙建设,拥有令人其他球团羡慕的主场,另加热爱篮球如 命的菲律宾球迷打气,这些外在因素已经为他们加分,能否擦亮招牌就等真正下场一战。
◆Sabah Kinsabina Group
As a new comer to the league, Sabah Kinsabina has not set itself any goals except to take this as a learning opportunity for the young team.
The team comprises of six members from Sabah, four national team players from the peninsular and two towering US foreign players. Sabah Kinsabina Group might fall behind the other teams on the stats sheet but its potential cannot be neglected.
Ex-national team players Koo Chen Jye, Ong Chun Khee, Ho Yeow Loon, and Alex Yoew Kee Aik are the key players for the Kinsabina, while homegrown talent Hong Tsun Hou is also no stranger to the championship having represented Farmcochem in last year's NBL. However, the five of them have yet to play together and might need some time to build up their rapport.
Alex Yoew will be taking charge of the key area, Ong Chun Khee will be playing point guard, while Ho Yeow Loong and Koo Chen Jye will be the main scorer on the side. However, the greatest aces of the team are the two U.S. players and Philippines coach Hilario P. Galabin Jr.
U.S. player Marcus Robinson stands at 6 feet 9, the 27 year old is very experienced, having played in the German and Australian leagues and is expected to give a good run with his U.S comrade Christopher Baldwin.
26 year old Baldwin is also a scoring powerhouse and has accumulated a wealth of experience in his three year in the NBA Development League. A young team with many experienced players, the Kinsabina is definitely a team to meet and exceed expectations.
Hilario is the coach for De La Salle University, Philippines, and he shall play a decisive role in the games. His experience in university leagues makes him the best person to lead this team of young players.
This may be the first time Kinsabina playing in the league, but their home ground advantage and their legion of basketball loving Philippine fans will give them the strength needed to progress in the championship.
From: 1titan