没有一支球队能够在泛马篮球联赛完成卫冕任务,民都鲁彩虹在去年就粉碎了实力强大的马六甲精武的卫冕梦,第一次 登顶,而自己又能否在今年打破这个宿命。
这一次,易名为砂拉越彩虹,这支东马雄师希望打破这个怪圈,成为第一支蝉联总冠军的球 队,而且他们的最大本钱来自“黑超人”克里斯,同时得到来自美国的大前锋史密斯的加盟,提升了彩虹的内线实力。
唯一不足的是,去年的三大主将陈俊雄、谢家祥和蔡子贤却不在队中,以个别因素弃战今年 的比赛,菲律宾教头保罗丹尼尔也蝉过别枝,令彩虹的整体实力受损。
克里斯在过去三年带领三支球队杀入决赛的克里斯,其中以2007年带领WCT置地和去 年带领民都鲁彩虹以黑马姿态一举夺冠是他的代表作。这一次,他肩负起彩虹的保冠任务,而且还要带领一众小将在面对经验丰富的对手时,杀出一条血路。
6尺9的美国白人史密斯可胜任大前锋或是中锋,他目前效劳英格兰甲级联赛的考文垂十字 军,场均17.5分、7.5个篮板,命中率达54%、3分球45.7%,是英联赛第3佳成绩,可解决彩虹缺乏内线核心的隐忧。
32岁的旅澳老将刘必荣在阔别2年后归队,让彩虹松了一口气,他将和叶财德挑起彩虹的 命脉,一起面对保冠压力。戴宾慰是可靠的援将,何松蔚与孙实钦是上届班底,虽然从柔佛借来4位小将,可是板凳的替补能力成为彩虹的致命伤。
陈韦吾、陈智鑫、许永威和叶进宝协助柔佛夺取马运会男篮金牌,可是他们都是联赛的新鲜 人,欠缺大赛经验是致命伤,唯有依靠菲律宾籍教头克里斯托巴尔的调兵遣将功力。
克里斯托巴尔曾出任菲律宾国家女篮队教练,自有一定的领军能力,只是看他如何把他们个 人最强的特点化为团队最强,围绕着克里斯组建最强的彩虹。
◆Sarawak Rainbow
The NBL has yet to see any team successfully defend their title, and the Bintulu Rainbow continued the trend by winning the title from defending champion Malacca Chin Woo last season. The question on everyone's mind is whether the Rainbow are able to break the cycle this year to take home its second consecutive trophy.
Returning this year as the Sarawak Rainbow, this reigning champion will try to challenge league history with their Black Superman Chris Kuete and American power forward Matthew Smith.
However, the champion is facing a tough fight ahead with the loss of key players Chin Choon Siong, Chia Kah Siang, and Chai Chze hian. To make things worse, Paul Daniel J.Advincula, their Philippines coach whom led them to victory has also switched team.
On the other hand, the recruit new blood Tan Wei Wu, Chin Zhi Shin, Khaw Yeong Wei, and Yap Chin Poh who helped Johor won the gold medal in Sukma 2010, but they are still young to the league and their inexperience might cost them dearly.
This is where Chris kuete comes in. Chris is a legend in the NBL, having led three teams into the finals over the past three seasons, his impressive record includes leading WCT Land and dark horse Bintulu Rainbow to the title.
Helping Chris in his mission is Matthew Smith from U.S. At 6 feet 9, Smith is adept at playing power forward or center and he is playing for the Coventry Crusaders in the England Basketball League early this year. Smith holds the third best standing in the EBL, averaging 17.5 points, 7.5 rebounds, 54% FG, and 45.7% 3-points FG. His impressive records makes him a force to reckon with.
32 year old veteran Lau Bik Ing has also returned after a two year absence to inject some much needed experience to the team. He will be fighting alongside Chris, Smith, Yieh Chai Teck, Tai Ping Wey, Ho Shon Wee, and David Soon. However, there is no denying that the Rainbow's substitute bench shall prove to be its weakness.
From: 1titan
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