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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[NBL]沙巴京沙建设Sabah Kinsabina Group


以6名沙巴本土球员组军,再从西马引进4名国手级人马和招来2名身高出色的美国援将, 或许京沙建设的牌面实力不及其他3队,可是潜在的能力不容忽视,成为一匹黑马。

高成杰、王俊棋、何耀龙和杨启益将是京沙建设最依赖的主力,他们都曾披上国家队战衣, 而沙巴本土战将洪俊豪在去年代表富农化工参加,只是他们5人首次合作,需要时间磨练以擦出火花。

杨启益将坐镇篮底,矮小精悍的王俊棋将负责控球,何耀龙与高成杰寻找机会出手得分,不 过最大的动力还是来自两名美国外援和菲律宾籍教头希拉里奥加拉宾。

美国援将罗宾申身高6尺9,身型健硕,将让京沙的内线进攻火力更强。27岁的他曾在德 国和澳洲联赛打球,作战经验丰富,将联同另一名美国战将鲍德温为京沙建设打天下。

26岁的鲍德温也是得分能手,身高1米98的他在过去3年参与美国NBA发展联盟球 会,累积了不少的实战经验,相信将运用到京沙建设集团的身上,与一众队友携手合作,低调出击制造大冷风。

希拉里奥是菲律宾德拉萨大学的教练,执教经验非常丰富,京沙建设要闯出春天,这名菲律 宾教头的功力将决定一切。他一直都在大专院校联赛打滚,对安排年轻战将的策略有一手。

京沙建设的牌面是四支球队当中最弱,球队已做好心理准备面对苦战,而且球员集训时间不 足,因此大家都在期待着,希拉里奥能否借助以往打造出冠军队的巧手,让这支新面孔一亮相即有惊人表现。

第一次加入战围的京沙建设,拥有令人其他球团羡慕的主场,另加热爱篮球如 命的菲律宾球迷打气,这些外在因素已经为他们加分,能否擦亮招牌就等真正下场一战。

◆Sabah Kinsabina Group

As a new comer to the league, Sabah Kinsabina has not set itself any goals except to take this as a learning opportunity for the young team.

The team comprises of six members from Sabah, four national team players from the peninsular and two towering US foreign players. Sabah Kinsabina Group might fall behind the other teams on the stats sheet but its potential cannot be neglected.

Ex-national team players Koo Chen Jye, Ong Chun Khee, Ho Yeow Loon, and Alex Yoew Kee Aik are the key players for the Kinsabina, while homegrown talent Hong Tsun Hou is also no stranger to the championship having represented Farmcochem in last year's NBL. However, the five of them have yet to play together and might need some time to build up their rapport.

Alex Yoew will be taking charge of the key area, Ong Chun Khee will be playing point guard, while Ho Yeow Loong and Koo Chen Jye will be the main scorer on the side. However, the greatest aces of the team are the two U.S. players and Philippines coach Hilario P. Galabin Jr.

U.S. player Marcus Robinson stands at 6 feet 9, the 27 year old is very experienced, having played in the German and Australian leagues and is expected to give a good run with his U.S comrade Christopher Baldwin.

26 year old Baldwin is also a scoring powerhouse and has accumulated a wealth of experience in his three year in the NBA Development League. A young team with many experienced players, the Kinsabina is definitely a team to meet and exceed expectations.

Hilario is the coach for De La Salle University, Philippines, and he shall play a decisive role in the games. His experience in university leagues makes him the best person to lead this team of young players.

This may be the first time Kinsabina playing in the league, but their home ground advantage and their legion of basketball loving Philippine fans will give them the strength needed to progress in the championship.

From: 1titan

[NBL]霹雳富农化工Perak Farmcochem

摊开阵容,全队几乎都是国字号战将,霹雳富农化工虽然平均年纪偏大,但胜在经验丰富,而且去年的苏格兰外援穆雷 重新归队,信心十足冲击桂冠。

老牌劲旅昔加末弃战,富农化工吸纳了他们队中的3名国家队主将许伟德、谭健鸿和唐文 勇,整体实力暴增,黄万新、林意健、郑俊源、蔡锦鸿和杜进添等人都是沙场老将,要一洗去年在初赛圈殿底的失意。

去年担任球队副教练的李庆展升正,和同一班底继续上阵,所以非常熟悉这批老球员的脾 性,而且他之前曾带领吉打夺过多届全国青年赛冠军,加上“老大哥”杜进添兼任助教,两人的丰富经验,更能让富农化工的战略加以执行。

已积极投入训练的富农化工,这次剑指冠军宝座,去年因战将不足,今年在加进柔佛三大主 力后,相信可以解决板凳能力不足的缺点。

球队依然以黄万新为核心,许伟德与谭健鸿的加盟,内线能力提升,另有唐文勇在外围游 弋,即使郑俊源、林意健和蔡锦鸿披甲上阵也不会输人,板凳能力超强。

黄万新再次兼任领队,去年有伤在身也坚持上阵,这次和国家队老队友许伟德与谭健鸿重新 合作,相信可以打得更出色,而且他自己也有信心,富农化工具备冲冠的机会,只是令人担忧的是“老人家”的体力能否及时复元。

做为第一位亮相NBL的欧洲球员,穆雷在去年的表现令人惊艳,这次重作冯妇,为了参加 NBL而推掉国家队的征召,将和爱尔兰人贾森柯林组成欧洲外援组合。这名苏格兰国手内切外投皆行,去年效劳富农化工表现不俗,因此他们今年再次把他带来, 希望能够擦出更亮眼的火花。

25岁的柯林身高2米10,庞大的身型让他在篮底无敌,代表爱尔兰国家队 四处征战,将和担任小前锋的穆雷搭档攻坚,而且擅打3号位,或许可以让他爆发更强大的实力,把富农化工送上冠军领奖台。

◆Perak Farmcochem

Perak Farmcochem consists of many ex national team players with a wealth of experience to tap on, and is a team to watch for despite their high average age. In addition to their experience, Scottish player Gareth Murray's return to the team is definitely a boost to the team's morale.

Segamat is not participating in this year's competition and three key players from the team have joined Perak Farmcochem. The inclusion of Koh Way Tek, Tan Kian Hoong, and Tong Wen Yung in the squad is set to greatly improve the team's performance. The new blood will work together with team veterans Ooi Ban Sin, Lum Yik Kean, Tee Chun Guan, Chai Kim Hoong, Toh Chin Thiam, and others to avenge their poor opening round performance last year.

Head Coach Lee Kheng Tian will once again led the team this year. His familiarity with the players, their style of play, and his experience in leading the Kedah youth team in many competitions should prove to be the much needed advantage in the NBL. In addition, he will be joined by the highly experienced Toh Chin Thiam as his assistant coach and this will further advance the team in terms of experience.

Farmcochem has already begun their trainings and have set their sight firmly on becoming the champion. The team was at a disadvantage last year due to shortage of players, but that should no longer be the problem with the new players joining the team.

Ooi Ban Sin remains the key player for the team, while Koh Way tek and Tan Kian Hoong are set to strengthen the team . Tong Wen Yung will boost the outer zone offense. On top of that, the team also boast of a strong substitution bench with Tee Chun Guan, Lim Yik Kean, and Chai Kim Hoong.

Ooi Ban Sin will once again be leading his team as captain. He was unable to unleash his full potential due to injuries last year, but this year should be a more fruitful outing for him as he is not only playing on top physical form, but will be joining hands with his former national squad teammates Koh Way Tek and Tan Kian Hoong. He is confident that Farmcochem can lift the trophy, but the stamina issue of the veterans will be a deciding factor in their championship bid.

As the first European player in the NBL, Murray put on a stunning performance last year. This year he will be joined by Irish player Jason Killeen. Murray is in the Scottish national squad and is a highly versatile player who is at ease in penetrating and shooting from perimeter. He had a good season with Farmcochem last year and returned this year to aid the team once again.

On the other hand, 25 year old Jason Killeen is from the Irish national squad, at 2.10m tall, he is a towering presence under the rim. He will be joining hands with small forward Murray. Killeen will be playing on his favoured position and will do his best to lead the team to victory.

From: 1titan

[NBL]吉隆坡猛龙KL Dragons


挟着东南亚篮球联赛(ABL)第4名的头衔进军NBL,吉隆坡猛龙准备问鼎冠军宝 座,以当打之年的国家队主力组军上阵,星光耀眼得让人羡慕。

首次加入战围的猛龙剑指总冠军,不仅球员阵容令人生畏,连 教练班底也是铿锵有力,苏永庆虽然首度掌军,但身后的两个“男人”是冠军教练吴清发与保罗丹尼尔,这个铁三角的调兵遣将能力叫对手退避三舍。

上届NBL亚军马六甲精武的部份主力在去年代表猛龙参加 ABL后,甲篮总决定让一众核心战将如陈利伟、古加尼、黄有成、罗富远和魏川进等披上火红色战衣出征今年的NBL,同时国家队新面孔、“两大柱”郭添源与 关涌缙也来投,不只球技过人,连平均身高也是各队之冠。

这一班战将不仅在国家队合作,也代表马六甲完成元首杯二连 冠,在经历更高水平的ABL的磨练后,加入NBL的战围更是如鱼得水。

有陈利伟这一号国内第一高手在坐镇篮底,猛龙找来身高2米 的美国援将哈特曼加强进攻火力,另有古加尼控球调度进攻,黄有成、魏川进、刘余庆和罗富远都是打得之人,同时身高2米02的郭添源有一手漂亮的3分球,肯 定让对手在内外线都吃尽苦头。

25岁的哈特曼效劳印尼青年勇士参加ABL,打了19场, 场均19.6分,让猛龙队印象深刻,因此极力把他拉拢到队中,准备给予对手迎头痛击。他的外围命中率也不俗,将成为本届NBL最可怕的得分杀手。

同时,猛龙也引进身高2米03的全面手多尼史迪,不仅拥有 强大的防守能力,得分方面也有一手,肯定加强猛龙的实力。

黄伟诚与伊兹兰艾迪卡是新面孔,但来头不简单,或许欠缺大 赛经验,但绝对可以给猛龙带来预想不到的板凳补充能力。

信心满满的猛龙一早就投入集训,有吴清发的战技术和保罗丹 尼尔的体能训练,让所有球员都叫苦,但只有经过刻苦的磨练才能炼出钢铁般的意志,猛龙对于冠军已是志在必得。

◆KL Dragons

Coming into the NBL as the third runner up in the ASEAN Basketball League (ABL), the Westports KL Dragons are poised to take home the title. The stellar lineup of national team players is the envy of many other teams.

This is the first outing for the Westports KL Dragons, not only the team induce fear, even the coach is a force to be reckoned with. This may be the first time coach Soo Eng Heng is leading the team, but the two men supporting him are senior coaches Goh Cheng Huat and Paul Daniel Advincula, the three men alliance instill fear in opponents.

Some of the key players for last year's NBL runner-up, Malacca Chin Woo, represented Westports KL Dragons in last year's ABL has been allowed to continue playing for the Dragons for the current NBL season. Chee Li Wei, Guganeswaran, John Ng, Francis Loh, and Wee Chuan Chin are the players crossing over from Chin Woo. They will be joined by the “two towers” from the national team Kuek Tian Yuan and Kwaan Yoong Jing.

In addition to the local players, the Westports KL Dragons has also brought in Alex Hartman and Donnie Stith to assist the team.

Many of the players are not only familiar with each other during their time in the national squad, but has built up strong rapport during the ABL. The Dragons is all set for the NBL.

From: 1titan

[NBL]砂拉越彩虹Sarawak Rainbow


没有一支球队能够在泛马篮球联赛完成卫冕任务,民都鲁彩虹在去年就粉碎了实力强大的马六甲精武的卫冕梦,第一次 登顶,而自己又能否在今年打破这个宿命。

这一次,易名为砂拉越彩虹,这支东马雄师希望打破这个怪圈,成为第一支蝉联总冠军的球 队,而且他们的最大本钱来自“黑超人”克里斯,同时得到来自美国的大前锋史密斯的加盟,提升了彩虹的内线实力。

唯一不足的是,去年的三大主将陈俊雄、谢家祥和蔡子贤却不在队中,以个别因素弃战今年 的比赛,菲律宾教头保罗丹尼尔也蝉过别枝,令彩虹的整体实力受损。

克里斯在过去三年带领三支球队杀入决赛的克里斯,其中以2007年带领WCT置地和去 年带领民都鲁彩虹以黑马姿态一举夺冠是他的代表作。这一次,他肩负起彩虹的保冠任务,而且还要带领一众小将在面对经验丰富的对手时,杀出一条血路。

6尺9的美国白人史密斯可胜任大前锋或是中锋,他目前效劳英格兰甲级联赛的考文垂十字 军,场均17.5分、7.5个篮板,命中率达54%、3分球45.7%,是英联赛第3佳成绩,可解决彩虹缺乏内线核心的隐忧。

32岁的旅澳老将刘必荣在阔别2年后归队,让彩虹松了一口气,他将和叶财德挑起彩虹的 命脉,一起面对保冠压力。戴宾慰是可靠的援将,何松蔚与孙实钦是上届班底,虽然从柔佛借来4位小将,可是板凳的替补能力成为彩虹的致命伤。

陈韦吾、陈智鑫、许永威和叶进宝协助柔佛夺取马运会男篮金牌,可是他们都是联赛的新鲜 人,欠缺大赛经验是致命伤,唯有依靠菲律宾籍教头克里斯托巴尔的调兵遣将功力。

克里斯托巴尔曾出任菲律宾国家女篮队教练,自有一定的领军能力,只是看他如何把他们个 人最强的特点化为团队最强,围绕着克里斯组建最强的彩虹。

◆Sarawak Rainbow

The NBL has yet to see any team successfully defend their title, and the Bintulu Rainbow continued the trend by winning the title from defending champion Malacca Chin Woo last season. The question on everyone's mind is whether the Rainbow are able to break the cycle this year to take home its second consecutive trophy.

Returning this year as the Sarawak Rainbow, this reigning champion will try to challenge league history with their Black Superman Chris Kuete and American power forward Matthew Smith.

However, the champion is facing a tough fight ahead with the loss of key players Chin Choon Siong, Chia Kah Siang, and Chai Chze hian. To make things worse, Paul Daniel J.Advincula, their Philippines coach whom led them to victory has also switched team.

On the other hand, the recruit new blood Tan Wei Wu, Chin Zhi Shin, Khaw Yeong Wei, and Yap Chin Poh who helped Johor won the gold medal in Sukma 2010, but they are still young to the league and their inexperience might cost them dearly.

This is where Chris kuete comes in. Chris is a legend in the NBL, having led three teams into the finals over the past three seasons, his impressive record includes leading WCT Land and dark horse Bintulu Rainbow to the title.

Helping Chris in his mission is Matthew Smith from U.S. At 6 feet 9, Smith is adept at playing power forward or center and he is playing for the Coventry Crusaders in the England Basketball League early this year. Smith holds the third best standing in the EBL, averaging 17.5 points, 7.5 rebounds, 54% FG, and 45.7% 3-points FG. His impressive records makes him a force to reckon with.

32 year old veteran Lau Bik Ing has also returned after a two year absence to inject some much needed experience to the team. He will be fighting alongside Chris, Smith, Yieh Chai Teck, Tai Ping Wey, Ho Shon Wee, and David Soon. However, there is no denying that the Rainbow's substitute bench shall prove to be its weakness.

From: 1titan

[NBL]NBL 2010赛程

NBL 2010 Schedule
1--2000--霹雳富农化工 vs 吉隆坡猛龙 55:69
2--2130--沙巴京沙建设 vs 砂拉越彩虹 55:52

3--1930--吉隆坡猛龙 vs 沙巴京沙建设 84:41
4--2100--砂拉越彩虹 vs 霹雳富农化工 65:49

5--1930--霹雳富农化工 vs 沙巴京沙建设 72:66
6--2100--吉隆坡猛龙 vs 砂拉越彩虹 68:81

第2站 2ND CIRCUIT: 沙巴州兵南邦嘉杜文化协会礼堂
7--1900--砂拉越彩虹 vs 吉隆坡猛龙 69:86
8--2100--沙巴京沙建设 vs 霹雳富农化工 58:68

9--2000--霹雳富农化工 vs 吉隆坡猛龙 71:68
10--2130--沙巴京沙建设 vs 砂拉越彩虹 61:64

11--1930--砂拉越彩虹 vs 霹雳富农化工 60:74
12--2100--吉隆坡猛龙 vs 沙巴京沙建设 82:61

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



1--0730pm-- A--Friday 对垒 八哩半快乐茶餐室 73:81
2--0900pm--B--光辉 对垒 Ungku Mohsin 123:44

3--0700pm--Ungku Mohsin 对垒 吉顺五金 40:87
4--0900pm--A-- Pilipinas 对垒 Mix 60:75

5--0630pm--B-- 宜家室内设计 对垒 吉顺五金 67:58
6--0930pm--B-- 巅枫 对垒 Hock Sing 69:56

7--0630pm --B-- 光辉 对垒 吉顺五金 91:55
8--0800pm --B-- Ungku Mohsin 对垒 Hock Sing 45:65
9--0930pm--A- General Cable 对垒 Pilipinas 76:59

10--0630pm--A-- PILIPINAS 对垒 八哩半快乐茶餐食
12--0800pm-- B--宜家室内设计 对垒 巅枫
13--0930pm--A--Friday 对垒 General Cable

14--0630pm--A--UTM 对垒 Pilipinas
15--0800pm--A-- Mix 对垒 八哩半快乐茶餐室
16--0930pm--B--Ungku Mohsin 对垒 巅枫

17--0630pm--A-- Friday 对垒 Mix
18--0800pm--B--Hock Sing 对垒 宜家室内设计
19--0930pm--A--General Cable 对垒 八哩半快乐茶餐室

20--0630pm--B--Ungku Mohsin 对垒 宜家室内设计
21--0800pm--A--UTM 对垒 Mix
22--0930pm--B--光辉 对垒 巅枫

23--0630pm--B-- 巅枫 对垒 吉顺五金
24--0800pm--A--Friday 对垒 Pilipinas
25--0930pm--A--UTM 对垒 General Cable

26--0630pm--A--UTM 对垒 Friday
27--0800pm--B--光辉 对垒 宜家室内设计
28--0930pm--B--Hock Sing 对垒 吉顺五金

29--0700pm--A--General Cable 对垒 Mix
30--0830pm--A--UTM 对垒 八哩半快乐茶餐室

31--0700pm--P--A1ST 对垒B4TH
32--0830pm--Q--A3RD 对垒 B2ND

33--0700pm--R--A2ND 对垒 B3RD
34--0830pm--S--A4TH 对垒 B1ST

35--0700pm--X--P WINNER 对垒Q WINNER
36--0830pm--Y--R WINNER 对垒S WINNER

37--0630pm--3/4--X LOSER 对垒 Y LOSER
38--0800pm--FINAL--X WINNER 对垒 Y WINNER

1.吉顺五金 8号 Wesley yuen (27)
2. 光辉 13号 Neo Wei Siang (21)
3.八哩半快乐茶餐室 5号 Chiang Chee Seng (19)
光辉 11号 Wong Chee Teck (19)
光辉 12号 Tee Yong Sern (19)
Ungku Mohsin 10号 Lee Woei Siang (19)

1.光辉 10号 Oh Pok Aik (4)
2.Pilipinas 14号 Patawaran (3)
3.Friday 4号 Lai Feng Song (2)
Friday 9号 Tan Wee Keng (2)
八哩半快乐茶餐室 5号 Chiang Chee Seng (2)
八哩半快乐茶餐室 11号 Lim Sau Kueng (2)
光辉 6号 Chai Win Fee (2)
Ungku Mohsin 10号 Lee Woei Siang (2)
Pilipinas 8号 Bahuyan(2)